Did you know? On the third Friday of each month, New Frontiers donates 5% of sales to a local nonprofit.

The date for September 2024 is Friday the 20th, and the recipient is theĀ Artist Advocacy Foundation.

The Artist Advocacy Foundation has a mission of inspiration; to encourage it, acknowledge it, support it, spread it around, and champion on its behalf, knowing – what a powerful motivating force it can be, for the individual, and also among groups of people, drawn together by common interests, aims, and sensibilities. The Artist Advocacy Foundation gives grants to artists, musicians, poets, painters, filmmakers, photographers, sculptors, and more who inspire others through their creative works and their perseverance in the face of financial hardship.

For more information on the Artist Advocacy Foundation, seeĀ artistadvocacyfoundation.org.

Since the donation is based on a percentage of sales, you can help by shopping with New Frontiers on this day, because TOGETHER, we can make a difference.