Did you know? On the third Friday of each month, New Frontiers donates 5% of sales to a local nonprofit.

The date for October 2023 is Friday, October 20th, and the recipient is the Ridley-Tree Cancer Center/Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara.

The mission of the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara is to ensure superior cancer care for all residents of Santa Barbara County regardless of means. They are the leading non-profit fundraising and grant making institution dedicated to cancer care in Santa Barbara County.

To fulfill its mission, the Cancer Foundation invests in programs, research, services, technology and facilities that aid in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer for those living in Santa Barbara County. While the vast majority of their support goes to Ridley-Tree Cancer Center, they also partner with local research, support, and advocacy organizations.

Representatives from the RTCC/CFSB will be here on Friday, October 20th to discuss the work they do for our community.

Since the donation is based on a percentage of sales, you can help by shopping with New Frontiers on this day, because TOGETHER, we can make a difference. For more information about this great organization check out their website: www.cfsb.org.